
Time: 1 week

  1. [ ] Installation of GNU/Linux.

    1. [ ] Example: Fedora. Get user group, mailing-list help.

  2. [ ] Internet connectivity setup.

  3. [ ] Connect to IRC (, say, #fedora, #fedora-india).

    1. [ ] Register your IRC nick name

  4. [ ] Create a blog (say, in, Update daily status in your blog.


Time: 1 week

  1. [ ] Communication/Project Guidelines.

  2. [ ] Emacs tutorial.


Time: 1 week

  1. [ ] Shell commands.

Time: 1 week

  1. [ ] Advanced Bash Scripting Guide


Time: 6 weeks

  1. [ ] Python scripting.

    1. [ ] Dive into Python

      1. [ ] Chapter 1: Installing Python

    2. [ ] How to Think Like a Computer Scientist

      1. [ ] Chapter 1: The way of the program

      2. [ ] Chapter 2: Variables, expessions and statements

      3. [ ] Chapter 3: Functions

      4. [ ] Chapter 4: Conditionals and recursion

      5. [ ] Chapter 5: Fruitful functions

      6. [ ] Chapter 6: Iteration

      7. [ ] Chapter 7: Strings

      8. [ ] Chapter 8: Lists

      9. [ ] Chapter 9: Tuples

      10. [ ] Chapter 10: Dictionaries

      11. [ ] Chapter 11: Files and exceptions

      12. [ ] Chapter 12: Classes and objects

      13. [ ] Chapter 13: Classes and functions

      14. [ ] Chapter 14: Classes and methods

      15. [ ] Chapter 15: Sets of objects

      16. [ ] Chapter 16: Inheritance

      17. [ ] Chapter 17: Linked lists

      18. [ ] Chapter 18: Stacks

      19. [ ] Chapter 19: Queues

      20. [ ] Chapter 20: Trees

    3. [ ] Dive into Python

      1. [ ] Chapter 7: Regular Expressions

      2. [ ] Chapter 8: HTML Processing

      3. [ ] Chapter 9: XML Processing

      4. [ ] Chapter 10: Scripts and Streams

      5. [ ] Chapter 11: HTTP Web Services

      6. [ ] Chapter 13: Unit Testing

      7. [ ] Chapter 14: Test-First Programming

      8. [ ] Chapter 15: Refactoring

      9. [ ] Chapter 16: Functional Programming

      10. [ ] Chapter 17: Dynamic functions

      11. [ ] Chapter 18: Performance Tuning

Time: 1 week

  1. [ ] Version control systems.

    1. [ ] di-git-ally managing love letters (Running commentary)

    2. [ ] git tutorial by Bart Trojanowski

      1. [ ] intro-to-git.pdf

      2. [ ] Part I movie (git1.ogv)

      3. [ ] Part II movie (git2.ogv)

Time: 1 week

  1. [ ] Learn to do documentation.

Time: 6 weeks

  1. [ ] C programming.

    1. [ ] The C Book

      1. [ ] Chapter 1: An Introduction to C

      2. [ ] Chapter 2: Variables and Arithmetic

      3. [ ] Chapter 3: Control of Flow and Logical Expressions

      4. [ ] Chapter 4: Functions

      5. [ ] Chapter 5: Arrays and Pointers

      6. [ ] Chapter 6: Structured Data Types

      7. [ ] Chapter 7: The Preprocessor

      8. [ ] Chapter 8: Specialized Areas of C

      9. [ ] Chapter 9: Libraries

      10. [ ] Chapter 10: Complete Programs in C

This should be sufficient, to get you started in doing projects. If a project requires special requirements, then check the following (in alphabetical order). You don't need to do everything that is mentioned. Just take the one(s) that are relevant.
Use the right programming language to solve a problem. Don't treat programming languages as Gods! Treat each one as a tool. It is good to know many languages, and be a master of one.


Time: 1 week

A guide to Autoconf, Automake and Libtool


Time: 1 week

LaTeX Tutorials - A Primer

Packaging Red Hat Package Manager (RPM)

Time: 2 days

Packaging Red Hot, Paneer (butter) Masala or RPM


Time: 6 weeks

  1. [ ] Beginning Perl

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Programming Language Examples Alike Cookbook
