
kushal----- Session starts ----Jun 27 19:02
kushalRollColl please Jun 27 19:02
SkyRocknRollYesJun 27 19:02
mbufkushal: or just not on timeJun 27 19:03
mbufSkyRocknRoll: say your nameJun 27 19:03
*priya (n=priya@ has joined #dgplugJun 27 19:03
SkyRocknRollmbuf: My Name is YUVARAJJun 27 19:03
priyapriyaJun 27 19:04
mbufkushal: i guess, people don't know what a roll call is?Jun 27 19:05
kushalmbuf, we did roll call last night only Jun 27 19:05
mbufkushal: okJun 27 19:06
kushalpeople when we say roll call, say your name Jun 27 19:06
kushallikeJun 27 19:06
kushalKushal DasJun 27 19:06
SkyRocknRollYuvarajJun 27 19:06
SkyRocknRolllike this tooJun 27 19:06
mbufok let us beginJun 27 19:06
SkyRocknRollyesJun 27 19:06
sumitcSumit ChakrabortyJun 27 19:07
mbufplease download the presentation from: http://shakthimaan.com/downloads/glv/presentations/i-want-2-do-project-tell-me-wat-2-do-fedora.pdfJun 27 19:07
mbufif not done already; this presentation has been revised many a time, so I am going to go through this againJun 27 19:07
SkyRocknRolldoneJun 27 19:07
mbufalso the chat logs will be useful for reference; if you want to ask a question, please type ! and I shall then prompt you to shoot a questionJun 27 19:08
mbufplease don't type any messages in the channel, otherwise;Jun 27 19:08
mbuf--> #n, means slide number 'n'Jun 27 19:08
mbuf--> #1Jun 27 19:08
mbufthis has been updated for Fedora, and it actually contains four presentation put togetherJun 27 19:09
mbuf--> #2Jun 27 19:09
mbufPlease read;Jun 27 19:09
mbufThese are my views based on my experience; you are welcome to agree to disagree with me, if you like;Jun 27 19:10
mbufYou are also welcome to re-use, redistribute the presentation giving credit to my work;Jun 27 19:10
parthachowdhurypartha chowdhuryJun 27 19:10
mbuf--> #3Jun 27 19:10
mbuf--> #4Jun 27 19:11
mbufIn the Industry and in geneal, we always address people by their first name;Jun 27 19:11
mbufdon't say 'Sir', 'Madam' etc.Jun 27 19:11
mbuf*generalJun 27 19:11
mbufyou can address me by my nickname in the IRC channel, otherwise, you address me as Shakthi;Jun 27 19:12
mbufin written and spoken forms;Jun 27 19:12
mbuf--> #5Jun 27 19:12
mbufIn the Free Software community, you will meet people from different backgrounds, cultures who have different views; so it is important to not take things very personal;Jun 27 19:12
mbufyou are welcome to agree to disagree with different points of view, but, you should try to avoid any conflicts or arguments;Jun 27 19:13
mbuf--> #6Jun 27 19:14
mbufyou should always do something because you 'want' or you have a 'need' to do itJun 27 19:14
mbufyou should never do things that are 'forced' to you; because, you will never do things well if it is 'forced' on to you;Jun 27 19:14
*Kkhushi (n=khushbu@ has joined #dgplugJun 27 19:15
mbufalways remember this;Jun 27 19:15
priyaokJun 27 19:15
sumitc!Jun 27 19:15
mbufpriya: if you want to reply or ask a question, please use !Jun 27 19:15
mbufsumitc: shootJun 27 19:15
*koyel_ (n=koyel@ has joined #dgplugJun 27 19:16
sumitcsometimes we *need* to do things that we do not want to, what should we do then?Jun 27 19:16
*koyel_ has quit (Client Quit)Jun 27 19:16
*koyel_ (n=koyel@ has joined #dgplugJun 27 19:16
mbufsumitc: you could take it up as a challenge making it a necessity for you, or, don't do it because you feel you are being forced to do it;Jun 27 19:16
sumitcokJun 27 19:17
sumitceofJun 27 19:17
mbufsumitc: either 'need' overrides the 'force', or 'force' doesn't let you do things that you don't wantJun 27 19:17
sumitcyes, in the end I have to prioritise i thinkJun 27 19:17
mbufsumitc: priority comes for your *need* tasks;Jun 27 19:18
mbufsumitc: i wouldn't recommend doing anything that is forced on to you or others;Jun 27 19:18
sumitctuxmaniac, what I meant was I have to prioritise my need vs. my likingJun 27 19:18
spechard!Jun 27 19:18
sumitcneed vs willJun 27 19:19
mbufsumitc: I would put liking as a subset of need;Jun 27 19:19
mbufspechard: shoot!Jun 27 19:19
spechardi have an interesting link about this, maybe to read after class: http://whatconsumesme.com/2009/what-im-writing/how-to-be-happy-in-business-venn-diagram/Jun 27 19:19
mbufsumitc: want and need can be used together;Jun 27 19:19
spechardit is not a question actually :-) <EOF>Jun 27 19:19
mbufspechard: thanks!Jun 27 19:19
sumitctuxmaniac, but that doesnot always happen in lifeJun 27 19:20
mbufa good example is that I find students in India doing Java because they *think* they will get a job, and not because they want or love Java;Jun 27 19:20
*koyel_ has quit (Client Quit)Jun 27 19:20
sumitctuxmaniac, exactly my pointJun 27 19:20
tuxmaniacsorry for the disturbance. Why are you addressing stuff to me?Jun 27 19:20
tuxmaniacsumitc: ^Jun 27 19:20
mbufin the end they force themselves to do Java, rather than finding a need or desire to experiment with Java;Jun 27 19:20
sumitctuxmaniac, sorry, that was for mbufJun 27 19:21
sumitcmbuf, colleges in India force students to go through outdated ideasJun 27 19:21
sumitcmbuf, often against their wishesJun 27 19:21
parthachowdhury!Jun 27 19:21
sumitcmbuf, and often unnecessaryJun 27 19:22
SkyRocknRollsumitc: i agree with you fullyJun 27 19:22
mbufsumitc: sure, one can do that for the sake of the college; but one should also do things that are necessary to become an engineer;Jun 27 19:22
mbufparthachowdhury: shootJun 27 19:22
mbufsumitc: vomiting in exam or mugging up for the college is not the answer or the methodology of learning;Jun 27 19:22
parthachowdhurywhat do we need to prioritise ?Jun 27 19:23
mbufsumitc: one has to understand the basics and represent that in a nice manner in the exam;Jun 27 19:23
mbufparthachowdhury: prioritize your day-to-day tasks;Jun 27 19:23
parthachowdhuryour need to learn java or our passion to learn oss technology ?Jun 27 19:23
mbufsumitc: last minute studying, going through last few years exam papers is not the answer, I am afraid;Jun 27 19:23
mbufparthachowdhury: Java is OSS;Jun 27 19:24
sumitcmbuf, absolutely correct. But the examiners themselves often depend on rote learning while examining papers. They never say, " read the basics". They say," Go through my note and mug every point"Jun 27 19:24
parthachowdhury!Jun 27 19:24
mbufsumitc: I am sorry to quote 'me' as an example, but, I never studied before the exams, and I still got good grades;Jun 27 19:25
mbufsumitc: I only presented content in a presentable manner in the paper, and that was good enough;Jun 27 19:25
mbufparthachowdhury: shoot!Jun 27 19:25
mbufsumitc: people who follow that are fooling themselves;Jun 27 19:25
mbufsumitc: Ohh! I was University 3rd rank, if I can say that;Jun 27 19:26
parthachowdhuryform a careeristic viewpoint what should we be doing at this stage in our life ?Jun 27 19:26
parthachowdhury*fromJun 27 19:26
mbufparthachowdhury: IJun 27 19:26
mbufparthachowdhury: I'll come to that;Jun 27 19:26
mbuf--> #7Jun 27 19:26
parthachowdhuryyes..sorry for the typoJun 27 19:26
sumitcmbuf, that is good to hear. But most of the times I see my fellow students mugging up before the exam and score well even though most of them do not have any inkling about the content they are muggingJun 27 19:26
mbufsumitc: sad state, but true!Jun 27 19:27
*kopecks889 (n=koyel@ has joined #dgplugJun 27 19:27
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mbufas a budding 'engineer' one must have the curiosity to experiment and learn new thingsJun 27 19:27
mbufmost of the time students come to engineering because their parents forced them to hoping that their life is good; but, people who pay money to join such programs are not interested, but, do it just for the degreeJun 27 19:27
mbufso they obviously have no interest and only use it as a time-pass; it doesn't help them or the faculty either;Jun 27 19:28
sumitcthe biggest problem is the lack of curiosity for more knowledgeJun 27 19:28
SkyRocknRollsumitc: and also the lazy proffessorsJun 27 19:28
mbufsumitc: that is where Free Software user groups can help; Industry exposure can also trigger people on what 'state' they are in; competition helps :)Jun 27 19:28
*kopecks-89 (n=koyel@ has joined #dgplugJun 27 19:28
parthachowdhurysumitc: please follow online etiquetteJun 27 19:28
mbufSkyRocknRoll: that is the mistake that students make as well!Jun 27 19:29
parthachowdhurydon't but in betweenJun 27 19:29
mbufSkyRocknRoll: blaming faculty, management is an excuse by students; even that is not going to help you or others becoming an engineer;Jun 27 19:29
mbufSkyRocknRoll: self-study is the best form of learning IMO, along with the help of user groups;Jun 27 19:29
sumitcparthachowdhury, I thought I was having a discussion with mbuf, maybe I missed somethingJun 27 19:29
parthachowdhuryok ..sorry for thatJun 27 19:30
mbufas much as one hunger for food, one must also have hunger to seek out for information, which includes using search engines, reading different books, online HOWTOs, talking to Free Software people, going through manuals;Jun 27 19:30
*Kkhushi1 (n=khushbu@ has joined #dgplugJun 27 19:30
mbufno faculty/management is stopping a student from doing his/her work with Free Software; I fail to buy the excuse from students;Jun 27 19:31
mbuf--> #8Jun 27 19:31
mbufSo, just because you have a degree doesn't make you an engineer;Jun 27 19:31
SkyRocknRollmbuf: yes but they can play really a good role in students life.. if they follow a professors etiquette it will be really nice . I learned all through sself learning with the help of internetJun 27 19:31
mbufStudents in India are always on top of the world, they think they know everything, but, they seldom know anything!Jun 27 19:31
mbufSkyRocknRoll: if you want to type something or ask something, type !Jun 27 19:32
mbufSkyRocknRoll: I will then ask you to reply, please don't interrupt otherwise!Jun 27 19:32
SkyRocknRollmbuf: sorryJun 27 19:32
mbufSkyRocknRoll: wrong! at your age, expecting a professor to spoonfeed students is a shame! Does someone spoonfeed food to you at this age?Jun 27 19:32
SkyRocknRollmbuf: !Jun 27 19:33
parthachowdhury!Jun 27 19:33
mbufSkyRocknRoll: since, I asked you a question, please replyJun 27 19:33
mbufparthachowdhury: wait!Jun 27 19:33
mbufSkyRocknRoll: when you are hungry does food come directly to your mouth, or do you take food and eat?Jun 27 19:33
SkyRocknRollmbuf: there are many colleges in india which donot have adequate infrastructure like internetJun 27 19:33
mbufSkyRocknRoll: answer my question, pleaseJun 27 19:33
SkyRocknRollmbuf: noJun 27 19:34
mbufSkyRocknRoll: you take the plate, put food and eat, right?Jun 27 19:34
SkyRocknRollmbuf: yes for 2nd questionJun 27 19:34
mbufSkyRocknRoll: so when you have hunger for food, why not hunger for knowledge?Jun 27 19:34
mbufSkyRocknRoll: I am afraid knowledge doesn't come to you and people in India (most of them) have a wrong notion of it that they can buy a degree;Jun 27 19:34
mbufSkyRocknRoll: there are numerous training institutes in this country, that are mere money making houses;Jun 27 19:35
mbufSkyRocknRoll: there are few exceptions too;Jun 27 19:35
SkyRocknRollmbuf: hmmm yes i am a victim of one of those :(Jun 27 19:35
mbufat this age, if you (and others' like you) expect to come a teach you something, it is a disgrace and shameJun 27 19:35
mbufwhat is required is only guidance and not spoonfeedingJun 27 19:36
*kopecks (n=koyel@ has joined #dgplugJun 27 19:36
mbufthere is a big difference between the two;Jun 27 19:36
mbufSkyRocknRoll: type ! please!Jun 27 19:36
mbufSkyRocknRoll: if you want to talk!Jun 27 19:36
SkyRocknRollmbuf: i thought u r talking with meJun 27 19:36
SkyRocknRollmbuf:  so i repliedJun 27 19:36
mbufSkyRocknRoll: okJun 27 19:37
*parthachowdhury has quit ("WeeChat")Jun 27 19:37
mbufthere are no shortcuts in life, and if students felt that they can get a job because they got a certificate, they are doomed for sureJun 27 19:37
mbufbecause they will not know what to do in the job, if the certification doesnt' test the skills properly, and most of the time it has been the case;Jun 27 19:37
mbufthe first thing for students (in India0 to realize is that they are nowheree students from other countries, who are far better in their hands-on computer experience;Jun 27 19:38
mbuf*(in India);Jun 27 19:38
mbufthere are very few exceptional students, which is only < 5% of the entire class;Jun 27 19:38
*parthachowdhury (n=parthach@ has joined #dgplugJun 27 19:38
mbufI find students in India only boasting, but, they lack any practical experience;Jun 27 19:38
mbufboasting that they know this, that, and everything, but, then you ask a few questions, they are clueless!Jun 27 19:39
mbuf--> #9Jun 27 19:39
mbufReading habit is very important;Jun 27 19:39
*parthachowdhury has quit (Client Quit)Jun 27 19:39
mbufin Free Software, one has to read lot of IRC, mailing list discussions; online HOWTOs, manuals et. al.Jun 27 19:39
*parthachowdhury (n=parthach@ has joined #dgplugJun 27 19:40
mbufit is a means of gaining knowledge;Jun 27 19:40
mbuf--> #10Jun 27 19:40
mbuf--> #11Jun 27 19:41
mbufAlways make sure you use a meaningful subject line;Jun 27 19:41
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #dgplugJun 27 19:41
mbufDon't write like "Urgent", "I want help"Jun 27 19:41
mbufUse [OT] for off-topic discussions; use [Commercial] for job postingsJun 27 19:41
mbuf--> #12Jun 27 19:42
*akuscifi007 (n=akuscifi@ has joined #dgplugJun 27 19:42
mbufthis yet another common use from students in India;Jun 27 19:42
mbufSMS is the worst form of communication (except when using SMS)Jun 27 19:42
mbufdon't use it anywhere else; it is considered very unprofessional;Jun 27 19:42
mbufeven on IRC, type as in full; grammar doesn't matter (our native language is not English); but, atleast use a spell checkerJun 27 19:43
mbuf--> #13Jun 27 19:43
mbufThe sentence is not grammatically correct, but, it is readable;Jun 27 19:43
mbuf--> #14Jun 27 19:43
mbufThis is yet another mistakes that students (in India) make;Jun 27 19:43
mbufalways end a sentence with a full-stop. Start a new sentence with a capital letter.Jun 27 19:44
mbufWhile chatting I use semi-colon as a delimiter; comes from C and Perl :pJun 27 19:44
mbuf--> #15Jun 27 19:44
mbufMuch better.Jun 27 19:44
mbuf--> #16Jun 27 19:45
mbufTyping in capital letter means one is shouting.Jun 27 19:45
mbufAcronyms are fine, but, avoid otherwise;Jun 27 19:45
*Kkhushi has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Jun 27 19:45
mbuf--> #17Jun 27 19:45
mbufThere has always been a debate between top-posting and bottom-postingJun 27 19:45
mbufSince mailing list discussions are archived, one should never write above the previous reply.Jun 27 19:46
mbuf--> #18Jun 27 19:46
mbufAlways use interleaved, trimmed, bottom postingJun 27 19:46
mbufTrim content that is relevant, and reply belowJun 27 19:46
mbufJust like in exams, you reply below the question and not above the question :)Jun 27 19:46
mbufYou can try replying above the question if you want to (for a change) :pJun 27 19:46
mbuf--> #19Jun 27 19:47
mbufWhen the discussions become long, you should again trim it and not keep quoting all the previous replies; it becomes uglyJun 27 19:47
mbuf--> #20Jun 27 19:47
mbufnot everyone in this world is on broadband; so please don't send fancy HTML e-mailsJun 27 19:48
mbufno red, blue, yellow colour, with italics style font;Jun 27 19:48
mbufalways use simple, plain ASCII text;Jun 27 19:48
mbufwhat is important is your message is conveyed;Jun 27 19:48
mbuf--> #21Jun 27 19:48
mbufAgain, as there are still dial-up users, it is important not to send huge attachments to mailing lists;Jun 27 19:48
mbufpatch of code is acceptable; but, not forwards, pictures;Jun 27 19:49
mbuf--> #22Jun 27 19:49
*kopecks-89 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Jun 27 19:50
mbufDon't blindly give your username and passwords of your e-mail accounts to social networking websites, else they will use that to check all your friends' e-mail addresses and the groups you belong to and send an invite to allJun 27 19:50
mbufthere were students who asked me how can they do it? people are such ignorant!Jun 27 19:50
mbufor use a different e-mail address for mailing lists;Jun 27 19:50
mbuf--> #23Jun 27 19:51
mbufSome companies attach disclaimers for every e-mail sent from your company account;Jun 27 19:51
mbufthe disclaimer contents are against the philosophy, objectives of Free Software of knowledge sharing;Jun 27 19:51
mbufdon't use company account for such mailing list discussions;Jun 27 19:52
mbufif public e-mail accounts are disabled through corporate network, that is your problem;Jun 27 19:52
mbuf--> #24Jun 27 19:52
mbufPeople who are on dial-up sometimes subscribe in digest mode, where they receive e-mail once a week or so;Jun 27 19:52
mbufsuch people when they want to reply to a topic, they blindly hit 'reply' and post their message; for them the subject line has the digest details as shownJun 27 19:53
mbufbut, others who receive e-mails as and when it arrives will make no sense of it!Jun 27 19:53
mbufso if you are not sure how to use digest mode, don't use it! or if you reply, change the subject line and quote whatever is relevantJun 27 19:53
mbuf--> #25Jun 27 19:53
mbufThis guy has replied few lines and has left a big list of trailing messages; Urgh!Jun 27 19:54
mbuf--> #26Jun 27 19:54
mbuf--> #27Jun 27 19:54
mbuf--> #28Jun 27 19:54
mbuf--> #29Jun 27 19:54
mbuf--> 30Jun 27 19:54
mbuf--> #31Jun 27 19:54
mbuf--> #32Jun 27 19:54
mbufall these in one e-mail! Erase the irrelevant text or don't use digest mode!Jun 27 19:55
mbuf--> #33Jun 27 19:55
mbufMailing list discussions are archived, so you can always refer to them later;Jun 27 19:55
mbufso think twice before hitting the 'send' reply;Jun 27 19:55
mbuf*hitting the 'send' button;Jun 27 19:56
mbuf--> #34Jun 27 19:56
mbufSome mailing list references that you can look at later;Jun 27 19:56
mbuftry to use words like 'please', 'thank you' often; even saying 'sorry' is ok;Jun 27 19:56
mbuf--> #35Jun 27 19:56
mbufbefore you decide to work on some task/project, it is good to write about your skills, any area or domain expertise, timelines, and about yourselfJun 27 19:57
mbufthere is more to the community than just manual tasks; there is a social element also;Jun 27 19:57
mbuf--> #36Jun 27 19:57
mbufPlease don't make orders like these; the later being the inspiration for this presentation;Jun 27 19:58
mbuf--> #37Jun 27 19:58
mbufas mentioned earlier you shouldn't do things because it is forced on to you;Jun 27 19:58
mbufyou should do things because you 'want' to do it, or you feel there is a 'need' to do itJun 27 19:58
mbufif you do a Final year (engineering) project without interest, it is a waste of time for you and your mentorJun 27 19:59
mbuf--> #38Jun 27 19:59
mbufhaving detailed discussion with mentor(s) is always good before you start; it could be how you want to work, or what difficulties you feel you will faceJun 27 19:59
mbufor any issues that you might have;Jun 27 20:00
mbufbeing open and honest is a good characteristic of an individual;Jun 27 20:00
mbuf--> #39Jun 27 20:00
mbufthis is one of those important soft skillsJun 27 20:00
mbuf--> #40Jun 27 20:01
mbuf--> #41Jun 27 20:01
mbufIf I typed in a language that you all don't know this conversation would have been over long time back;Jun 27 20:01
mbufit is every important that we converse in a language that others' are comfortable with; if everyone else in the team are comfortable in a regional language, you are welcome to use it;Jun 27 20:02
mbuf--> #42Jun 27 20:02
mbufyou should choose a programming language that helps you solve an appropriate problem for a project or problem domainJun 27 20:02
mbufyou should _never_ do a project because you know a particular programming languageJun 27 20:03
mbufmost students (in India) have the wrong approach, IMO; they will always do a project in the language they know;Jun 27 20:03
mbufI am sorry to keep quoting 'students (in India)', but, that has been my experience;Jun 27 20:04
mbufa good programmer will learn any new language in few days time, and gain experience with projectsJun 27 20:04
mbufit is good to be a jack of all languages and a master of one;Jun 27 20:04
mbufit is _not_ good to be a jack of one, and calling oneself the 'master' of one;Jun 27 20:04
mbufalso, choice of language is determined by customer requirements;Jun 27 20:05
mbufyou could still recommend one, but, customer or your immediate client decides for you;Jun 27 20:05
mbufyou never ever choose a project after you have chosen a programming language;Jun 27 20:05
mbuf--> #43Jun 27 20:05
mbufbecause we have people from different backgrounds, and on different timezones it is important to ues the right communication tool for the right job at the right time with the right peopleJun 27 20:06
mbufwe shall go through these toolsJun 27 20:06
mbuf--> #44Jun 27 20:06
mbufhere is a small list;Jun 27 20:06
mbufBlogs are part of the Free Software culture; everyone should have a blog and post their updates or whatever they are working with;Jun 27 20:07
mbufwe will go through these;Jun 27 20:07
mbuf--> #45Jun 27 20:07
mbufsearch engines also return postings from blogs;Jun 27 20:07
mbufit gives an idea of what a person has been working or his/her views;Jun 27 20:08
mbufPlanet is a collection of all our blogs;Jun 27 20:08
mbufRSS, Atom are the protocol formats;Jun 27 20:08
mbuf--> #46Jun 27 20:08
mbufE-mail is useful for communication, and we all use it;Jun 27 20:09
mbufjust follow the mailing list guidelines when you post;Jun 27 20:09
mbuf--> #47Jun 27 20:09
mbufwhen someone asks you a question and if you don't reply, it generally means you are not interested in responding immediately or you don't care;Jun 27 20:09
mbufif you are away, you should mark your status as away;Jun 27 20:09
mbufhence, communication should be very clear and prompt;Jun 27 20:10
mbuf--> #48Jun 27 20:10
*h3x (n=sumit@ has joined #dgplugJun 27 20:10
mbufIf you have any problems or issues, you should raise the issue immediately to the group or to your team;Jun 27 20:10
mbufit is easier to escalate things early and fix things, rather than do last minute work;Jun 27 20:10
mbufprocrastination is evil; always try to finish things today; don't postpone work;Jun 27 20:11
mbufif you finish things today, you can take more work tomorrow;Jun 27 20:11
kopecksmbuf how am i to know who my mentor will be if in case im willing to talk over a project idea?Jun 27 20:11
mbufkopecks: if you want to talk, type !Jun 27 20:11
kopeckssorryJun 27 20:11
mbufkopecks: and I will prompt you to ask a question;Jun 27 20:12
*akuscifi007 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Jun 27 20:12
*akuscifi007 (n=akuscifi@ has joined #dgplugJun 27 20:12
kopecksi just wanted to know how am i to be sure who my mentor will be?Jun 27 20:12
mbufkopecks: you need to talk to the project team members on who is interested in mentoring youJun 27 20:12
mbufkopecks: it is pretty straight-forward;Jun 27 20:12
kopecksokay.i get itJun 27 20:12
kopecksthanksJun 27 20:12
mbuf--> #49Jun 27 20:12
mbufforums are also available for people who like the Web interface;Jun 27 20:13
mbuf--> #50Jun 27 20:13
*akuscifi007 has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))Jun 27 20:13
*akuscifi007 (n=akuscifi@ has joined #dgplugJun 27 20:13
mbufMailing lists, you already use; there can be mailing list for user groups, projects etc.Jun 27 20:14
mbuf--> #51Jun 27 20:14
mbufYou are already using IRC;Jun 27 20:14
mbufsometimes just listening on the discussion can be useful on IRC;Jun 27 20:14
mbufmake good friends on IRC; you never know who will be helpful when you really need it;Jun 27 20:14
mbuf--> #52Jun 27 20:14
mbufthis is X-Chat screenshot; use the one you like;Jun 27 20:15
mbufmulti-tasking on different channels can be difficult first, but, you will get used to it;Jun 27 20:15
mbufalways try to hang in the channel whenever you are online;Jun 27 20:15
mbuf--> #53Jun 27 20:15
mbufInstant Messenger chats are also available;Jun 27 20:15
mbufYou can do private chatting with these and on IRC;Jun 27 20:15
mbufuse the one that your project uses;Jun 27 20:16
mbuf--> #54Jun 27 20:16
mbufVoice chat is good if you have important things to discuss;Jun 27 20:16
mbufthings that are critical or need immediate attention;Jun 27 20:16
mbufbut, avoid as much as possible;Jun 27 20:16
mbufthis might be difficult if team members are in different timezones;Jun 27 20:16
mbuf--> #55Jun 27 20:16
mbufwikis are good for documentation and sharing content;Jun 27 20:17
mbufyou should always learn to use one;Jun 27 20:17
mbuf--> #56Jun 27 20:17
mbufso, even when we are distributed, we use the different tools for different reasons, and still work together in a project;Jun 27 20:17
mbufit is important to learn to use these tools for effective project work;Jun 27 20:17
mbufI have emphasized this a lot :)Jun 27 20:18
mbuf--> #57Jun 27 20:18
mbufSo, before you ask a question, 'do some homework' -- meaning try to find soe answers on your own through these toolsJun 27 20:18
mbufthat is the curiosity to find answers, than expect someone to provide the answer to youJun 27 20:18
mbuf--> #58Jun 27 20:18
mbufIn the Industry we generally use English as a means of communication;Jun 27 20:19
mbufwhat is important is only reading and comprehension in English;Jun 27 20:19
mbufI don't care about your written and spoken;Jun 27 20:19
mbufbut written -- don't use SMS, use a spell-check; grammar doesn't matterJun 27 20:20
mbufthe reason being that there are lot of technical manuals that are written in English;Jun 27 20:20
mbufthere are HOWTOs, and lot of translation done in regional languges, but, that is mostly in countries in Europe;Jun 27 20:20
mbufatleast, what I have seen;Jun 27 20:21
mbuf--> #59Jun 27 20:21
mbufReading habit is important; by comprehension I mean that you should be able to read a paragraph and understand what it says;Jun 27 20:21
mbufyou can improve this by reading newspapers;Jun 27 20:21
mbufwritten and spoken are of least priority;Jun 27 20:21
mbuf--> #60Jun 27 20:21
mbufIt is good to have weekend discussions with mentors or team members;Jun 27 20:22
mbufif you put it in your blog, your team members can see it whenever they have the timeJun 27 20:22
mbufotherwise, discussions on IRC are fine;Jun 27 20:22
mbuf--> #61Jun 27 20:22
mbufbut, you shouldn't ping members or mentors who are at work during weekdays;Jun 27 20:22
mbufif they are free, you can ping them for a discussion; otherwise, don'tJun 27 20:22
mbufyou can send e-mail, or update your blog, or update a wiki page;Jun 27 20:23
mbufthat is why we have different tools;Jun 27 20:23
mbuf--> #62Jun 27 20:23
mbufwhenever you have a problem, try to give detailed reports of your problem;Jun 27 20:23
mbufwriting a bug report is an art! it is good to provide explanation on what you did, how you did it; paste output of error or log messagesJun 27 20:24
mbufyou can even give screenshots;Jun 27 20:24
mbufit must be as detailed that anyone should be able to reproduce your problem;Jun 27 20:24
mbuf--> #63Jun 27 20:24
parthachowdhury!Jun 27 20:24
mbufparthachowdhury: shoot!Jun 27 20:24
*sa111 (i=3b601631@gateway/web/freenode/x-786230b53a12a933) has joined #dgplugJun 27 20:24
parthachowdhuryi think taking a session on filing bug report is goodJun 27 20:25
parthachowdhury*would beJun 27 20:25
mbufparthachowdhury: yes, that has been proposed earlier; we can look into it;Jun 27 20:25
kopecks!Jun 27 20:25
mbufkopecks: yesJun 27 20:25
kopeckshow about a thought on LIRC-linux infrared remote control?Jun 27 20:26
mbufkopecks: what about that?Jun 27 20:26
kopecksi went through a site maintained by redhat where it was speaking of such a concernJun 27 20:27
mbufkopecks: that is off-topic to the discussion we are having; we can discuss that later;Jun 27 20:27
kopeckswanting to upload suchlike driver in the linux kernelJun 27 20:27
kopecksokay thanksJun 27 20:27
mbufkopecks: no, that is off-topic to the discussion; only ask questions relevant questions;Jun 27 20:27
mbufOn slide #63Jun 27 20:28
kopecksyes ill do so next timeJun 27 20:28
mbufTime is precious;Jun 27 20:28
mbufeverything in this world runs on time, except in India (Mumbai is an exception)Jun 27 20:28
spechard!Jun 27 20:28
mbufSo, coming to meetings on time is very important; replying to queries promptly is importantJun 27 20:28
mbufspechard: shoot!Jun 27 20:28
spechardwhy 'except in India' ?Jun 27 20:29
spechardare you guys always on late? eofJun 27 20:29
mbufspechard: IST is jokingly called Indian Stretchable TimeJun 27 20:29
spechardok :-)Jun 27 20:29
mbufspechard: people don't follow time; you will know when you are in India;Jun 27 20:29
mbufspechard: Mumbai trains are punctual; life in Mumbai runs on time; that is why it is exceptional;Jun 27 20:30
spechardok, cultural thing ;-)Jun 27 20:30
mbufspechard: people in India, in general, don't value 'time as money'Jun 27 20:30
mbufspechard: it is more of a habit, than a culture thing;Jun 27 20:30
mbufso if one loses time, it cannot be undone! so make sure you use the best use of your precious time;Jun 27 20:31
mbuf--> #64Jun 27 20:31
mbufif an online meeting is scheduled and you are unable to attend the same, please inform!Jun 27 20:31
mbufeven if you are not able to finish a task on time, inform!Jun 27 20:31
mbuf'commit early, commit often' is the key;Jun 27 20:32
mbuf--> #65Jun 27 20:32
*akuscifi007_ (n=akuscifi@ has joined #dgplugJun 27 20:32
mbufwhen discussing in chat, if you are asking a question, put a question mark at the end;Jun 27 20:32
mbufotherwise I or others will not know that you are asking a question, and are expecting a reply from us;Jun 27 20:32
mbufsimple mistakes, but, people make it;Jun 27 20:33
mbuf--> #66Jun 27 20:33
mbuf--> #67Jun 27 20:33
mbufmentors will not do the project for you; they can guide you or give directions;Jun 27 20:33
mbufit is up to you to take the effort to get work done;Jun 27 20:33
mbufI was once asked by a student to do all these for his college work;Jun 27 20:33
mbufI did each one, just to see if he would do the rest;Jun 27 20:34
mbufbut, that just didn't happen;Jun 27 20:34
mbufthe more effort you put in, the more you learn, and it is good for you;Jun 27 20:34
mbuf--> #68Jun 27 20:34
mbufalways start with small tasks, and ask for feedbackJun 27 20:34
mbufit is good to correct mistakes at an early stage and fix it;Jun 27 20:35
mbufthat is why last minute studying for exams is students fooling themselves;Jun 27 20:35
mbufcommit early code to the project, even if it is small; it shows your capability;Jun 27 20:35
mbufit also gives you confidence;Jun 27 20:35
mbuf--> #69Jun 27 20:35
mbufyou can blog your daily work; that is the best!Jun 27 20:36
mbufsending updates often is important so others' know your progress and work done;Jun 27 20:36
mbufso if you send code just before the deadline and the customer doesn't like it, you are in a mess;Jun 27 20:36
mbuf--> #70Jun 27 20:36
*akuscifi007 has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Jun 27 20:37
mbufMost of the things we have discussed may seem new to you;Jun 27 20:37
mbufbecause you haven't seen anything like this, before (maybe)Jun 27 20:37
mbufso it will be a steep learning curve for you;Jun 27 20:37
mbufso steep that you will complain, be angry about why things are not working;Jun 27 20:37
mbufbecause the methodology teaches you to work efficiently which you probably haven't followed before;Jun 27 20:38
*akuscifi007_ is now known as akuscifi007Jun 27 20:38
mbufyou will bang your head before the computer, but, it is important for you to be patient and work hard;Jun 27 20:38
mbufonly then you will find the answers, you will understand, and you will learn how things work;Jun 27 20:38
mbufbecause, when you do, you will reach enlightenment!Jun 27 20:38
mbuf--> #71Jun 27 20:38
mbufAlways give detailed info as possible;Jun 27 20:39
mbufthese have been one of many instances posted to mailing list groups;Jun 27 20:39
mbuf--> #72Jun 27 20:39
mbufso when you have problem, it is always good to answer questions like what? ho? which? etc.Jun 27 20:39
mbufthis is technical writing and communicationJun 27 20:39
mbuf--> #73Jun 27 20:39
mbufyet another of those examples!Jun 27 20:40
mbuf--> #74Jun 27 20:40
mbufwhenever you complete a task, you should immediately document it;Jun 27 20:40
mbufcommit early is not just for code, but, also for documentatioJun 27 20:40
mbuf*documentationJun 27 20:40
mbufif I found out how to use IRC in X-Chat, I will immediately write a document with screenshots on how to start, login, add settings;Jun 27 20:41
mbufand upload it to HOWTOs or to my blog, so it is useful for me and for others, in future;Jun 27 20:41
mbufit could be as simple as using a ls command with options;Jun 27 20:41
mbufthis is very, very important that you document step-by-step as you work, rather than documenting at the end of the projectJun 27 20:42
mbufbecause by the end of the project, you would have forgotten what you did at every step!Jun 27 20:42
mbufyou have to follow this strictly, because, this is the way we commit early (code and documentation) and we commit often;Jun 27 20:42
mbufif you do work on a Friday, go for vacation to Las Vegas for the weekend, you will forget what you did on Friday :)Jun 27 20:43
mbufthat is where the documentation on Friday helps to refresh your memory;Jun 27 20:43
mbuf--> #75Jun 27 20:43
mbufwhen we ask questions, say five of them, make sure you reply to all five questions;Jun 27 20:43
mbufpeople sometimes tend to skip reading sentences;Jun 27 20:44
mbufit is very important to read slowly and understand before replying; this habit also needs to be inculcated in reading andn following HOWTOsJun 27 20:44
mbufbecause if you miss a step in a HOWTO, you will not end with the expected output;Jun 27 20:44
mbuf--> #76Jun 27 20:44
mbufwhen things start to work, and you reach enlightenment very fast you tend to become over-excited;Jun 27 20:45
mbufit is important to be calm and composed while you work;Jun 27 20:45
mbufimpatience is not going to help you or the team in making decisions;Jun 27 20:45
mbuf--> #77Jun 27 20:45
mbufif you wish to do something, always consult with your team membersJun 27 20:45
mbufusually projects have mailing lists, so you can participate in itJun 27 20:46
mbufbut, if it is a small team, make sure you send e-mail to all of them;Jun 27 20:46
mbufthe last thing you want is to lose trust with your team members;Jun 27 20:46
mbuf--> #78Jun 27 20:46
mbufpeople do move in and out of projects; it is very normal human tendencyJun 27 20:46
mbufso just because you lose few developers, don't be put down with it; you can find new developersJun 27 20:47
mbufit is hard though to build a good team;Jun 27 20:47
mbufand also to sustain it;Jun 27 20:47
mbufbut, with Free Software, people have been together because they share ideals and thoughts;Jun 27 20:47
mbuf--> #79Jun 27 20:47
mbuf"Me and my friend ate in the same plate, went to the same school, went to the same college, can he/she also join the project"?Jun 27 20:48
mbufas much as we are social and helpful, we also value technical competence;Jun 27 20:48
mbufso, yes, if your friend is also interested in the project; but, you shouldn't make your friend do all the work with you sitting idleJun 27 20:48
mbufthat is why commit logs are useful;Jun 27 20:48
mbuf--> #80Jun 27 20:49
mbuf"How much salary are you getting, Sir?"Jun 27 20:49
mbufdon't ask personal questions; it is none of your business;Jun 27 20:49
mbufby social, talking on general subjects is fine;Jun 27 20:49
mbuf--> #81Jun 27 20:49
mbufI have emphasized this earlier;Jun 27 20:49
parthachowdhury!Jun 27 20:49
mbufparthachowdhury: shoot!Jun 27 20:50
parthachowdhurywhat is PITA ?Jun 27 20:50
mbufparthachowdhury:  Pain In The Back (said it nicely)Jun 27 20:50
*akuscifi007 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Jun 27 20:50
*akuscifi007 (n=akuscifi@ has joined #dgplugJun 27 20:51
mbufparthachowdhury: you are to use a search engine for that :)Jun 27 20:51
mbuf--> #82Jun 27 20:51
parthachowdhuryok ...ok.. i just googled it :)Jun 27 20:51
mbufparthachowdhury: enlightenment, already?Jun 27 20:51
*akuscifi007 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Jun 27 20:51
parthachowdhury:)Jun 27 20:51
*akuscifi007 (n=akuscifi@ has joined #dgplugJun 27 20:52
mbufso never make any assumptions, like, this might work, or maybe that is wrong;Jun 27 20:52
mbufalways give proof when you make statements;Jun 27 20:52
mbufthat is why steps to reproduce a bug are important;Jun 27 20:52
mbuflogs, output, error messages are crucial;Jun 27 20:52
mbuf--> #83Jun 27 20:52
mbufthe last thing that you want is to do something which you think is right, but, customer expects something totally different;Jun 27 20:53
*abhishekg (n=chatzill@ has joined #dgplugJun 27 20:53
mbufnever ever thing that a question is stupid or silly;Jun 27 20:53
mbufdo some research online by yourself, and try to find answers, else, ask;Jun 27 20:53
mbufeven when you ask you can say that I searched here and here, these were the results I got, I asked on IRC etc.Jun 27 20:54
mbufthe more info you give, the more interested people will be to help youJun 27 20:54
mbuf--> #84Jun 27 20:54
mbufFedora project has lot of sub-projects that you can contribute to;Jun 27 20:54
mbufwe will go through them briefly;Jun 27 20:54
mbufmost of them are quite self-explanatory, and the wiki is well documented;Jun 27 20:55
mbuf--> #85Jun 27 20:55
mbufto become a member, some tasks which you should complete;Jun 27 20:55
mbufJust follow them; if in doubt you can ask in various #fedora channelsJun 27 20:55
mbufor for now you can use #dgplug as wellJun 27 20:55
mbuf--> #86Jun 27 20:56
mbufin each page you will see links to mailing list, IRC channel and wiki page for each sub-projectJun 27 20:56
mbufAmbassadors promote Fedora; they help taking Fedora to different regions;Jun 27 20:56
*priya has quit ("Ex-Chat")Jun 27 20:57
mbufif you like traveling this is a good taskJun 27 20:57
mbuf--> #87Jun 27 20:57
mbufsome salient points of Fedora Ambassadors;Jun 27 20:57
mbuf--> #88Jun 27 20:57
mbufif you are interested in art work; if you are creative you can use many Free Software tools available for design work;Jun 27 20:58
mbufcontribution need not necessarily be code;Jun 27 20:58
mbuf--> #89Jun 27 20:58
mbufIf you have the skill to solve problems; or attack challenging problems, you can work on solving bugs;Jun 27 20:59
mbufyou will need to create an account in bugzilla.redhat.comJun 27 20:59
mbuf--> #90Jun 27 20:59
mbufyou could also try to reproduce bugs and see if that is the same as what has been reported;Jun 27 20:59
mbufthis is a good exercise to begin with for newbies;Jun 27 20:59
mbuf--> #91Jun 27 21:00
mbufif your written language (any language) skills are good, you could do documentation;Jun 27 21:00
mbufbut, writing documentation, IMO, is an art;Jun 27 21:00
mbufwriting documentation on a daily basis on your work is a must;Jun 27 21:00
mbufthere are various tools available that you can use; i like LaTeX and asciidoc;Jun 27 21:01
mbuf--> #92Jun 27 21:01
mbufif you are the System Administrator type, and you like to maintain servers, troubleshoot networks, you can look into InfrastructureJun 27 21:01
mbufscripting know-how is a good asset here;Jun 27 21:01
mbuf--> #93Jun 27 21:01
mbufThis involves mechanisms to provide support for software to use regional languages;Jun 27 21:02
mbufwhen programmers write code, it is important that it can be used with different natural languages;Jun 27 21:02
mbuf--> #94Jun 27 21:02
mbufThe task of translating strings from one natural language to another is localization;Jun 27 21:03
mbufin developing countries, people are not comfortable with English, so teaching them in regional language helps;Jun 27 21:03
mbuffor that matter, translating this presentation in a regional language is also helpful :)Jun 27 21:03
mbuf--> #95Jun 27 21:03
mbufif you are good at marketing work, you can work with Fedora Ambassadors;Jun 27 21:04
mbuftraveling may be required; or you can just prepare the material for others;Jun 27 21:04
mbuf--> #96Jun 27 21:04
mbufPackage maintainers are important for the Fedora distribution; they take Free Software packages and add it to the Fedora repository;Jun 27 21:04
mbufI will focussing on this as a separate session;Jun 27 21:05
mbufthis helps you in learning to work with other Fedora developers, and also understanding how this packaging works;Jun 27 21:05
mbufEven if you develop your own Free Software, you will understand how to package it, and release it for your customers with Fedora;Jun 27 21:05
mbuf--> #97Jun 27 21:05
mbufif you are creative and like website designing, you can contribute to the Fedora web pages;Jun 27 21:06
mbufit is not only CSS work, but, also could be managing content;Jun 27 21:06
mbuf--> #98Jun 27 21:06
mbufIf your written/spoken language skills are good, you can contribute to weekly news;Jun 27 21:06
mbufor you can work on podcasts and interviews;Jun 27 21:07
mbufcan work closely on updates from various Fedora projects;Jun 27 21:07
mbuf--> #99Jun 27 21:07
mbufso choose the work that you like based on your 'interest' and you feel there is a 'need' for you to work on it;Jun 27 21:07
mbufeven if you are not sure, you could try your hands on one; but, try to finish the task, before you jump to another;Jun 27 21:08
mbuf--> #100Jun 27 21:08
mbufIf you 'want' to do it, you will be able to do it;Jun 27 21:08
mbufif you don't want to do it, you will not do it;Jun 27 21:08
mbufImpossible is a word only to be found in the dictionary of fools.Jun 27 21:09
mbufThank you very much. This ends the presentation.Jun 27 21:09
mbufI shall take any questions that you might have regarding the presentation.Jun 27 21:09
SkyRocknRoll!Jun 27 21:10
mbufSkyRocknRoll: shoot!Jun 27 21:10
SkyRocknRollis fedora is using any CMS to maintain websites?Jun 27 21:10
mbufSkyRocknRoll: mediawikiJun 27 21:10
SkyRocknRollmbuf: fine <eof>Jun 27 21:10
mbufok, I will let you folks review the discussion;Jun 27 21:11
mbufgo through all the links and ask any questions you might have, anytime;Jun 27 21:11
SkyRocknRoll!Jun 27 21:13
*akuscifi007 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Jun 27 21:13
mbufSkyRocknRoll: yesJun 27 21:13
*akuscifi007 (n=akuscifi@ has joined #dgplugJun 27 21:14
SkyRocknRollHow can i enter into infrastructure domain? do i need any experience or a fresher is allowed?Jun 27 21:14
mbufSkyRocknRoll: 1. Check their wiki. 2. Talk to them on #fedora-admin (IIRC) 3. Write to them on their mailing listJun 27 21:15
mbufSkyRocknRoll: you should avoid the use of the word 'fresher'Jun 27 21:15
mbufSkyRocknRoll: it is only used in India; but, Fedora has a global communityJun 27 21:15
mbufSkyRocknRoll: you can simply say that you are a newbie;Jun 27 21:15
SkyRocknRollmbuf: thanks i will follow it :)Jun 27 21:16
mbufSkyRocknRoll: people may not understand the word 'fresher' outside India;Jun 27 21:16
mbufBRBJun 27 21:17
SkyRocknRollmbuf: what is the best way to introduce me in an IRC channel?Jun 27 21:18
kopecks!Jun 27 21:18
*priya (n=priya@ has joined #dgplugJun 27 21:18
tuxmaniacSkyRocknRoll: you dont need to introduce yourself in an IRC channel unless you are in some meeting. If you have doubt on something say "some ruby stuff"Jun 27 21:19
mbufSkyRocknRoll: name is fine;Jun 27 21:20
tuxmaniacjust go to #ruby or something and say "/me is working on thisn and this and facing this problem. tried here and there and couldnt find the solution. Any help is appreciated"Jun 27 21:20
*akuscifi007 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Jun 27 21:20
mbufSkyRocknRoll: people value technical competency more than who you are, what your designation is, how much years of experience you have, or how much money you have;Jun 27 21:20

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