56K V.92 designed modem
56 Kbps data/14.4Kbps fax
(winmodem :-p)
Downloaded slmodem-2.9.6.tar.gz from:
Step 1: Untar and unzip
Untar and unzipped the file:
# tar xzvf slmodem-2.9.6.tar.gz
Moved to the directory
# cd slmodem-2.9.6
I set the KERNEL_DIR value as follows in Makefile
and tried doing "#make install". It showed errors and the following messages:
"The kernel sources in /usr/src/linux are not yet configured."
"Please run ''make cloneconfig && make dep'' in /usr/src/linux/"
"to get a kernel that is configured like the running kernel."
"Alternatively, you can copy one of the config files" "arch/$ARCH/defconfig.* to .config, and run"
So as root, I moved to /usr/src/linux, and did:
Step 2: make cloneconfig && make dep
# make cloneconfig && make dep
(successful, returned 0 exit status when I tried "#echo $?")
Step 3: make install
I changed KERNEL_DIR value in Makefile as:
Then i did:
# make install
(successful, returned 0 exit status when I tried "echo $?")
Step 4: Running the modem
I then loaded modem kernel modules using:
# modprobe slamr
I was able to see ''slamr'' entry from the output of lsmod.
I ran the modem as:
# /usr/sbin/slmodemd --country=USA /dev/slamr0
When I ran the modem, It said:
Use /dev/ttySL0 as modem device
So, after starting the modem I created a symbolic link as follows:
# ln -s /dev/ttySL0 /dev/modem
Configured KPPP and I was able to connect!!