
IOSpec package provides several modules that give a pure specification of functions in the IO monad. It is now available in Fedora. Install it using:

 $ sudo yum install ghc-IOSpec-devel

To import a specific Fork module (for example), you can use:

Prelude> :m + Test.IOSpec.Fork

Test.IOSpec.Teletype provides a pure specification of the getChar and putChar functions. A simple example of echo is shown below:

{-# LANGUAGE NPlusKPatterns #-}

import Prelude hiding (getChar, putChar)
import qualified Prelude (putStrLn)
import qualified Data.Stream as Stream
import Test.IOSpec hiding (putStrLn)
import Test.QuickCheck
import Data.Char (ord)

echo :: IOSpec Teletype ()
echo = getChar >>= putChar >> echo

copy :: Effect ()
copy = ReadChar (\x -> Print x copy)

takeOutput :: Int -> Effect () -> String
takeOutput 0 _ = ""
takeOutput (n + 1) (Print c xs) = c : takeOutput n xs
takeOutput _ _ = error "Echo.takeOutput"

withInput :: Stream.Stream Char -> Effect a -> Effect a
withInput stdin (Done x)     = Done x
withInput stdin (Print c e)  = Print c (withInput stdin e)
withInput stdin (ReadChar f) = withInput (Stream.tail stdin)
                                 (f (Stream.head stdin))

echoProp :: Stream.Stream Char -> Property
echoProp input =
    forAll (choose (1,10000)) $ \n ->
    takeOutput n (withInput input (evalIOSpec echo singleThreaded))
    == takeOutput n (withInput input copy)

main = do
  Prelude.putStrLn "Testing echo..."
  quickCheck echoProp

You can compile it using:

$ ghc --make Echo.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( Echo.hs, Echo.o )
Linking Echo ...

Test it using:

$ ./Echo 
Testing echo...
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.

The Test.IOSpec.IORef provides a pure specification of mutable variables. An example is shown below:

import Test.IOSpec
import Test.QuickCheck

readOnce :: Int -> IOSpec IORefS Int
readOnce x = do ref <- newIORef x
                readIORef ref

readTwice :: Int -> IOSpec IORefS Int
readTwice x = do ref <- newIORef x
                 readIORef ref
                 readIORef ref

readIORefProp :: Int -> Bool
readIORefProp x =
  let once  = evalIOSpec (readOnce x) singleThreaded
      twice = evalIOSpec (readTwice x) singleThreaded
  in once == twice

main = quickCheck readIORefProp

You can compile it using:

$ ghc --make Refs.hs 
[1 of 1] Compiling Main             ( Refs.hs, Refs.o )
Linking Refs ...

Test it using:

$ ./Refs 
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.